cryptocurrencies and augmented Ws Numbers List reality, they were all predicted in 1992 by 'tech Nostradamus' Neal Stephenson in his Ws Numbers List book Snow Crash. Also called the 'Bible of Silicon Valley'. The book was even the Ws Numbers List source of inspiration for Google Maps. The metaverse is now starting to gain momentum. What is the metaverse? The metaverse is a virtual social network.
You can not only communicate with Ws Numbers List each other here, but also build and do things that were impossible in real life. Inspired Ws Numbers List by Burning Man , Second Life was set up 15 years ago, the first major metaverse. Millions of people were part of this virtual community, including Barack Obama and a few Ws Numbers List hundred thousand Dutch people. Companies such as Philips
, Nike and ABN AMRO had a virtual Ws Numbers List branch there. Artists such as Di-recto performed on the virtual island 'Drop Zone' and the CDA even took to the virtual street to win souls. People paid with the virtual currency Ws Numbers List 'Linden Dollar' and met in the virtual bar, the predecessors of Bitcoin and Tinder. The hype passed and the idea of a metaverse was brought
Yep! I think The metaverse is a virtual social network Super mario bros
Metacurrency seems to me a logical development for cryptocurrency and especially for NFT projects in general. I think people will think more in the future to have cryptocurrency savings, as well as investing in metacurrencies by buying the same NFTs, the main thing is to have some real usecase and not just a picture in a wallet.